Music player

Friday, October 3, 2008

Letter Form War.

Ok this is a music video for the song Letters From War by Mark Schultz. 


Katie said...

yup good song and video even though i told you that when you were listening to that song like 5 minutes ago

B.J. said...

lol i know you told it to me then. and you told me it now lol

Katie said...

lol ya

B.J. said...

Wow ur up earlyish today.......i just got up.....

Katie said...

well ya i got up at 8:10 cuz i had to go to "band camp" remember? anywho, a few notes about the video..
1) the moms pencil is reakky small
2)she is a really young looking mom to have a son that old
3)mark schultz has like an accent when he talks at the beginning but when he sings you cant hear it.. am i the only one that thinks thats weird?

B.J. said...

lol i forgot about answer to ur notes:

1) yea i kinda just realized that bc you pointed it out.
2)i noticed that a long time ago she looks like she could be his wife or even his sister
3)hmm never noticed that but now i do...i guess it's weird too...

RachAEL said...


i havnt commented here.

well, i like this song.


ive commented here.


Lady Mew said...

OMG! i LUV that song!!! Mark Schultz iz soooooo kool...i meen come on...hez bald! @%DDD
baldoz rock my sox!!! ;D froz ar kool to but not az kool az cueball headz!!! %D

<3 for everywun!!!!!!! "^.^"

B.J. said...

LOL I forgot to check this post to see if ppl had commented.

Rachael- Yea you commented good girl lol jk..

Heather-Yea Mark Schultz is really cool. I don't want to be bald!!!

Lady Mew said...

BJ BJ BJ... *shakez head* yur not kool enough to be bald... 888D

<3 for everywun!!!!!!! "^.^"

B.J. said...

i never said I was cool enough to be bald

Lady Mew said...

aww...BJ...i wuz jking...yu could be bald if yu want to... 888(

if yu could pull it off iz another story...hehe! C888

BRADY!!!!!!! "^.^" <3

B.J. said...

Lol I don't want to be bald though it would be weird....and I couldn't pull it off...

Lady Mew said...

jeez BJ! yu dont hav to dis yurself 888(

B.J. said...

Umm ok what ever.....